The moment I found out I was pregnant I
needed to learn as much as I could ASAP. What is going to happen to my body?
What foods should I stay away from? Are these pains normal?
So I jumped on Amazon and ordered a few
books, downloaded a bunch of apps and joined a bunch of pregnancy
forums. Talk about information overload. I immediately realized what I found to be most helpful was just talking
to new moms or other pregnant women.
So I ended up spending most of my time on
the forums reading what other people were going through or had already gone
through. But during almost every post there was always something that stumped
me – what the heck do all these letters mean? Everyone seemed to be using them
like they were as common as LOL or WTF. I constantly found myself doing a
google search to find out what these acronyms stood for or I breathed a sigh of
relief when someone else before me asked exactly what I was thinking.
So here is a cheatsheet of some of the most
common acronyms to help understand what everyone is talking about in those
mommy forums.
AF – aunt flo (period)
BBT – basal body temperature
BFN – big fat negative
BFP – big fat positive (pregnancy test)
CIO – cry it out
CM – cervical mucus
CS – caesarean section
DD – dear daugher
DS – dear son
EBF – exclusively breastfeeding
EDD – estimated due date
FF – formula feeding
FTM – first time mom
LC – lactation consultant
LO – little one
MIL – mother-in-law
OP – original poster
OT – off topic
PP – post partum or previous poster
PPD – post partum depression
SAHM – stay at home mom
SIL – sister-in-law
SO – significant other
STM – second time mom
TTC – trying to conceive
VBAC – vaginal birth after caesarean